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Education & Workshops

“To inspire and to be inspired.”

Moniek van der Kallen, filmmaker at Vol Verhalen (Full of Stories) facilitates education solutions for primary school, high school, education for adults and businesses. 

Iedereen kan vloggen

Iedereen kan vloggen

Crash course vloggen, still2 Moniek van

Crash course vloggen, still2 Moniek van

Themalessen voor alle niveau's:



In a heartbeat still 4

In a heartbeat still 4



Docu - Champ - Esma

Docu - Champ - Esma

Green screen Guardians_edited

Green screen Guardians_edited

Atomic Blonde_edited

Atomic Blonde_edited



“De collega's gaven aan dat je met rust en overwicht

de groepen [animatie en journaal] les hebt gegeven

en ze je lessen als plezierig hebben ervaren."

De Berkenschool

  • Vlogging  courses (in Dutch)

  • Dance like an animal

  • TikTok editing trics

  • Learn to choreograph and film dance.

  • Make a zoomchoreography.

Online courses


  • Vlogging courses, in Dutch. 

  • Fiction Film course
  • 2D stop-motion animation course​
  • Sound effects for film course​​
  • TikTok editing trics
  • Dance film, BTS with the director
  • Or a tailor-made course for you. 

Lessonplan: 3-6 lessons


​​Why education? 


I've been teaching dance from the ripe old age of was sisteen years old. I've taught dance to children, teenagers and adults. It's part of my motto: to inspire and be inspired. 


Nowadays, I have experience in education concderning dance, film , dance film, film music, social media content creation and coaching other choreographers. 



Nowadays I have taught children, teenagers and grown-ups on the fields of dance, film, dance film, film music, and social media content creation. 



My lessons start with sparking the fantasy of de students. They learn the building blocks for every story and how you can communicate through movement.

It is a joy to see how the students run with an idea and can transform it into a vlog, dance, film or dancefilm!

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