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Dance like AN ANIMAL


With "Dance like a beast" the students get to work in comfortable clothing, in a gym, on the school yard or at home where there is enough space.

We'll start with a calm warm up, to get into the lesson, where we do yoga poses as different kinds of animals.


We hiss like a cat, stretch like a puppy and flutter like a bird. The students are excercizing, but at the same time are experiencing the animal kingdom! 

The most fun is when you get to choose which animal you are, a real animal, a fantastical beast? As your animal, you will rediscover your environment and interact with other beasties. Are you a nosy beast? Frightened? Slow or quick?  

Through games the students learn yoga, modern dance and dance improvisation. 


Both are a possibility for this course. 


In this course, students use the following skills: 

- Imagination

- Improvisational movement on music

- Working together

- Storytelling

- Presenting for the group

- and with more lessons: weaving musicality into their improvisation


The students use their imagination and newly improved improvisational skills and their body to express emotions, narratives and the behavior of animals.  


Toddlers and children up to 7 years old. 


As many lessons as wanted from 20 until 45 minutes each. 

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