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Trailer: een crash course vloggen
Vol Verhalen

Trailer: een crash course vloggen

Vlogging: A crash course


Vlog about your daily life, your struggles as a dog walker or as an account of your progress in a school project, you are free to choose whatever subject! 
During this course students learn the skills neccesary to be able to make their own vlog In 1, 2 or 3 lessons, we cover preproduction (the preparation), production (filming technicques) and postproduction (editing). 


This course is suitable for both. There are instruction video's, intersected with assignments which can be tailored to your specific themes or courses. 


The students aquire insight in what to post and not to post. Furtermore they: 

- learn to create their own content;

- acquire a deeper understanding of     how media are constructed;

- learn how the vlogger chooses and

  creates the vlog;

- acquiring a deeper understanding of the tools and techniques used in film

- learn how to achieve goals through   social media


Every students ends the class with their own personally created vlog. 


High school, practical education and adults. 


One workshop of a minimum of 1 hour and 30 minutes, or 2 or 3 lessons of 45 minutes.

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